Our products
Our product for helping to migrate the informal sector to the formal. Entrepreneurs, merchants, shop owners - everyone conducting a commercial activity subject to taxation is registered in SMARTR Tax. As a confirmation of registration, Red Flash issues Smart Merchant Cards with QR codes to the merchants.
Taxes can be paid cash or via digital money solutions such as Mobile Money. All payments are registered in the system and receipts are sent digitally via SMS or printed by the tax agent. Tax agents use the SMARTR Tax App in order to control and verify paid taxes.
All data is available in real time both by the tax authorities and the tax payer, creating transparency and mutual trusst.
SMARTR Micro Insurance
Our solution for helping the people in the informal sector to become insured. People can register for voluntary insurances such as social insurance, health insurance, hospitality insurance by contacting any agent of Red Flash. Insurances can paid in cash or via Mobile Money with flexible payment plans.
SMARTR Parking
SMARTR Parking is a complete cloud based solution for managing parking and payments for parking in cities. Parking payments can be made either by Mobile Money or cash. Parking attendants use the Smartr Parking app in order to control and verify payments. Motorists can use the Parking App in order to simplify payments and managing receipts.
By applying SMARTR Parking municipalities and cities achieve the following:
A better urban environment
Increased revenue for municipalities
Higher levels of employment
Increased transparency
Better data for city planning